Delivery Cost Calculator - Riga and Region

Delivery Type:

Order Size:

Delivery Area:

Estimated delivery cost

A small order includes items such as: a 3x3m tent, a 4x8m tent, tables, chairs, mirrors, hangers, heaters, LED equipment. Equipment that fits in one van.

A medium order includes items such as: Pagoda delivery, large tent delivery, and an amount of equipment that does not fit in one van or shipment.
A large order includes items such as:

Delivery exceeding two vans + trailers must be used for the delivery. Tent + floor. A large number of wooden tables/table sets, etc.

If you have any additional questions about delivery costs, feel free to contact us -, or +371 232 01 313

Delivery cost calculator - outside Riga

Delivery method

Package size

Distance (km)

0km 1000km

Approximate shipping costs:


A small order includes products like: 3x3m tent, 4x8m tent, tables, chairs, mirrors, hangers, heaters, LED equipment. Inventory that fits in one bus.
The average order includes products like: Delivery of pagodas, big tent, quantity of inventory that does not fit in one bus or delivery.
Large order includes products like: Delivery exceeding two buses + trailers must be used for delivery. Tent + floor. Large quantity of wooden tables/table sets etc.
If you have additional questions about shipping costs, feel free to contact -, or +371 232 01 313